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Why Do We Believe in Almighty God?

Have you ever asked yourself, "Is there really a God?" It’s a question that has echoed through history, debated in classrooms, whispered in hospital rooms, and wrestled with in moments of personal crisis. Some reject the idea of God entirely, calling faith a crutch. Others assume that if God exists, He must be distant and unknowable. Still, others insist that unless they can see Him or hear Him, He must not be real.

Yet, the Bible doesn’t attempt to prove God’s existence—it simply declares it: “In the beginning, God...” (Genesis 1:1). The universe testifies to His presence, and deep inside, the human heart instinctively longs for something beyond this world. The Apostles' Creed begins with a simple yet profound statement: “I believe in God.” But why do we believe? Is our faith just wishful thinking, or is it grounded in truth?

The Evidence for God

Faith in God is not blind—it is built on solid evidence. Leslie Wilcox outlined four key arguments that, when taken together, form a compelling case for God’s existence:

  1. The Cosmological Argument – The existence of the universe points to a Creator. Something cannot come from nothing.
  2. The Teleological Argument – The design and order in the universe indicate an intelligent Designer.
  3. The Anthropological Argument – Humanity’s complexity and consciousness point to a divine origin.
  4. The Moral Argument – The existence of moral law suggests a moral Lawgiver.

While each of these arguments can be debated individually, taken together, they form a powerful case for God’s existence. Just as puzzle pieces come together to reveal a complete picture, these arguments collectively point to a Creator. The Bible calls us to respond: “Choose this day whom you will serve” (Joshua 24:15). Will you choose to believe?

I've revised the "If God is Almighty, Why Do Bad Things Happen?" section to fully reflect the key points from the sermon:

  1. The Two Perspectives on Suffering – Emphasizing that how we approach suffering determines how we perceive God.
  2. God’s Character & Goals in Suffering – Highlighting His goodness, wisdom, and sovereign plan.
  3. The Role of Evil & Free Will – Addressing how human choices and spiritual forces contribute to suffering.

Here’s the enhanced section:

If God is Almighty, Why Do Bad Things Happen?

This is one of the most difficult and honest questions of faith. If God is all-powerful, why do hurricanes destroy homes? Why do gunmen take innocent lives? Why is there disease and death? If God is truly sovereign, why doesn’t He stop all suffering?

The Two Perspectives on Suffering

How we approach this question determines whether we find an answer.

  • Starting with our pain leads to doubt. If we begin with suffering and try to reason back to God, He may seem distant or uncaring.

    • Start with cancer, and it’s hard to see God’s goodness.
    • Start with abuse, and He seems absent.
    • Start with personal tragedy, and He feels powerless.
  • Starting with God leads to trust. Instead of focusing on our suffering first, we must begin with what we know to be true about God’s character. When we filter our pain through God’s goodness, wisdom, and sovereignty, we gain a clearer perspective.

What do we know about God?

1. God’s Character is Unchanging

God is holy, just, loving, and wise—and He never acts outside of His character.

  • God is good, even when life isn’t. “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever” (Psalm 107:1).
  • God is just, even when injustice happens. “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne” (Psalm 89:14).
  • God is wise, even when we don’t understand. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways” (Isaiah 55:8).

Because God is holy, He never does wrong. Because God is sovereign, He allows suffering, but He does not cause evil. Because God is love, He walks with us through our pain.

2. God’s Goal is to Make Us Christlike

God’s highest purpose for us is not our comfort—but our character.

  • “For those whom He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son” (Romans 8:29).
  • “We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character” (Romans 5:3-4).

Just as fire refines gold, trials refine us. God uses difficulties to deepen our faith, produce perseverance, and make us more like Christ.

3. Free Will and the Reality of Evil

God’s power is never the problem—human sin and spiritual warfare are.

  • Free Will Has Consequences – God could have created a world where suffering didn’t exist, but that would mean removing our freedom to choose. Love is only meaningful if it’s a choice. The reality is that human choices—greed, hatred, selfishness—have real consequences.
  • The World is Broken by Sin – Since the Fall, not only people but creation itself has suffered: “The whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth” (Romans 8:22). That’s why we see disease, disasters, and death.
  • Forces of Evil Are at Work – The Bible tells us we are in a spiritual battle: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world” (Ephesians 6:12). Evil is not just a concept—it is an active force in the world.

4. God Can Redeem Suffering

Though God does not always prevent suffering, He never wastes it.

  • “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him” (Romans 8:28).
  • “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good” (Genesis 50:20).

Chuck Swindoll said, “When God allows bad things to happen to good people, He is creating within us the capacity to empathize.” God brings:

  • Joy from sorrow so we can comfort others.
  • Peace from confusion so we can guide the lost.
  • Hope from despair so we can lift the brokenhearted.

Suffering is not the end of the story. God is still working behind the scenes to bring redemption, healing, and eternal hope.

Will You Trust God in Suffering?

Right now, you may not understand why suffering has touched your life. But will you trust that God is still good? Will you place your pain in His hands and allow Him to bring beauty from ashes?

The Almighty God is not absent—He is here, working even in the darkest moments. Will you trust Him today?


How God’s Power Affects Our Lives

God’s power is not just a theological concept—it changes how we live. Here are some practical ways God’s power impacts us daily:

1. God’s Power Is Unlimited (Omnipotence)

Jeremiah 32:17 – “Nothing is too hard for You.”
God is all-powerful. He created the universe by His word, parted the Red Sea, and raised Jesus from the dead. No problem is beyond His strength.


  • When you feel overwhelmed, remember that nothing is impossible for God.
  • Trust in His ability to work miracles and provide in ways you cannot imagine.

2. God’s Knowledge Is Unmatched (Omniscience)

Psalm 147:5 – “His understanding is infinite.”
God knows the past, present, and future. He is never surprised, never unprepared. He knows our thoughts before we even speak them.


  • Seek His wisdom in decision-making.
  • Rest in the fact that He knows what is best for you, even when you do not understand.

3. God’s Presence Is Unavoidable (Omnipresence)

Psalm 139:7-8 – “Where shall I go from Your Spirit? If I ascend to heaven, You are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, You are there!”
There is nowhere we can go where God is not present. He is with us in every moment, every place, and every trial.


  • Take comfort in knowing you are never alone.
  • Call on God in times of trouble—He is always near.

4. God’s Rule Is Unchallenged (Sovereignty)

Psalm 103:19 – “The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His kingdom rules over all.”
God is not just powerful—He is sovereign. He governs all things—from the rise and fall of nations to the smallest details of life.


  • When the world feels chaotic, trust that God is still on the throne.
  • Submit your plans to His greater purpose.

5. God’s Power Never Fails

Isaiah 40:28 – “The Lord is the everlasting God… He will not grow tired or weary.”
Unlike human resources, God’s power never runs out. His strength is limitless, and we can always depend on Him.


  • Lean on God’s strength when you feel weak.
  • Memorize Scripture about His power to remind yourself that He never fails.

Conclusion: Trust and Worship the Almighty God

The Apostles’ Creed begins with “I believe in God, the Father Almighty” because He is the foundation of our faith. He is sovereign, all-knowing, and all-powerful. He never fails.

Whenever we need Him—and even when we think we don’t—He is there. His plans for us will come to pass. We can trust Him completely.

Will you trust Almighty God today?

Worship Him. He alone is worthy.
Trust Him. His power is greater than our circumstances.
Rest in Him. His strength never runs out.

“Choose this day whom you will serve” (Joshua 24:15).