Core Beliefs and Values
We aim to glorify God by spreading scriptural holiness worldwide. We strive to love God with all our hearts and our neighbors as ourselves through evangelism, discipleship, and exemplifying holy living as taught in the Scriptures.

In essential beliefs, we have unity. Core doctrines like the divinity of Jesus and the truth of the Bible are non-negotiable.

In non-essential beliefs, we allow liberty. Matters not explicitly addressed in the Bible are left to individual conviction.

In all our beliefs, we show love. Whether in agreement or disagreement, we strive to reflect the love of Jesus in everything we do.

The Holy Trinity: We believe in one triune God, existing eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each person is equal in power and glory, sharing the same essence.

God the Father: We believe in God the Father, Creator of all, who seeks a relationship with everyone and adopts as His children all who repent and trust in Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ: We believe that Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man while remaining fully God. Conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, He lived a sinless life. He died on the cross as the sufficient sacrifice for sin and rose bodily on the third day. He ascended into Heaven and is enthroned at God’s right hand as our intercessor. He will return to judge all humanity.

The Holy Spirit: We believe the Holy Spirit, proceeding from the Father and the Son, convicts of sin, regenerates, sanctifies, and empowers believers for godly living.

The Bible: The Bible, consisting of 66 books, is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, serving as the supreme authority for faith and practice. Clear preaching and teaching of God’s Word is essential for the salvation of souls and the maturing of believers.

Sin: Sin entered the world through Adam's disobedience and manifests in two forms: original and actual. Original sin is the inherited corruption that makes us hostile to God. This persists in believers until fully cleansed by the Holy Spirit. Actual sin involves morally responsible actions against God's will. Despite salvation, one can fall into sin, but through grace, repentance and faith restore forgiveness and relationship with God.

Free Will: God created humanity in His image with the ability to choose right and wrong. Due to Adam’s fall, humanity cannot choose right without God’s grace. Through Jesus Christ, prevenient grace enables what human effort cannot. Individuals are responsible for their choices. This grace is freely given to all, allowing all who accept it to be saved and perform works pleasing to God.

Salvation: Salvation is a gift from God, received through faith, not by works. God justifies and regenerates all who repent and believe in Jesus Christ, sealing them with the Holy Spirit. As His children, they are restored to fellowship with God, delivered from sin's penalty and practice, and given assurance of salvation through the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Entire Sanctification: Entire sanctification is a work of the Holy Spirit, cleansing and empowering believers for holy living. This experience, which follows salvation, is both preceded and followed by growth in grace and Christlikeness. The Spirit-filled believer is enabled to love God with an undivided heart and pursue a life of holiness.

Good Works: Good works are a fruit of faith and evidence of salvation, pleasing to God and demonstrating a living faith.

The Church: The universal Church is composed of all believers in Jesus Christ, called to make disciples through preaching, sacraments, and obedience to Christ’s commands. A healthy church glorifies God through heartfelt worship, relies on prayer for spiritual power, engages in evangelism and missions, makes disciples through biblical instruction and mentoring, fosters a loving community, and partners with families to perpetuate the Christian faith.

The Sacraments:

  • Baptism: Water baptism symbolizes new birth and commitment to Christ.
  • The Lord’s Supper: The Lord’s Supper commemorates Christ’s death and anticipates His return.

Second Coming, Resurrection, and Judgment: We believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of all people, and the final judgment. The new heavens and new earth are the eternal abode of those who choose salvation, while the Lake of Fire is the final abode of those who neglect this great salvation.

Note:  Our core values and the full statement of faith can be found here.